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Это захватывающий и очень жизненный во всех смыслах роман, который дает вполне правдоподобный ответ на вопрос «Откуда берутся дети?»
Нашей жизнью управляют их крохотные души, которые то подлетают, когда мы на верном пути, то исчезают, когда мы позволяем рутине, сомнениям и рациональности преобладать над чувством любви.
Книгу стоит прочитать всем будущим мамам, независимо от того, когда они планируют это будущее.
(из читательского отзыва)
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Born Against All Odds
When we're born, we start with a blank slate, forgetting all that happened before. Most people think life begins at the moment of either conception or physical birth, but what if it really starts much earlier? What if we meet our parents even before they meet each other? What if we have a choice, and can shape our own destiny?
Take a remarkable journey with a young soul who, upon finding his ideal mother, stops at nothing to make her his own. From the instant he first lays eyes on Lera--so cheerful, charming, and eccentric--'Peace' knows she's the only mom for him.
Yet things don't always go the way we planned, even for souls desperate to be born.
"...a dramatic, uplifting and thought-provoking piece of literature that anyone can enjoy."
K.C. Finn (5 Stars), Readers' Favorite Book Reviews
"This book will satiate your appetite for magical realism. ... It makes us feel better after reading the last page."
Vincent Dublado (5 Stars), Readers' Favorite Book Reviews
Born Against All Odds

Curious Thinkers
Curious Things by Hope Silver reveals the hidden lives and innermost thoughts of inanimate objects, giving the gift of emotion and meaning to even the most mundane items people use every day. Among the colorful cast of characters in this collection of flash fiction are a doll with a broken heart, an elevator who acts as a matchmaker, and a video-camera who thinks she was Alfred Hitchcock in a past life. At times poignant, at times silly, but always quirky and clever, Curious Things may cause you to think differently about the sponges in your sink, the sneakers on the telephone line, or the plastic bags drifting across the highway. Like Thomas M. Disch’s The Brave Little Toaster, Curious Things lends humanity and dignity to inhuman things that are so often taken for granted. - Amy Fontaine, author of MIST